Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Si tienes el cabello ondulado, es decir entre lacio y chino lo major que puedes hacer para sacar provecho y lucirlo al 100% es alizar sólo las raices y acentuar las ondas o los bucles al final hacia las puntas de manera que tendras un cabello de forma envidiable y una apariencia romántica.

If you have wavy hair, between curly and Chinese straight, you can take advantage 100% by showing off your hair by straightening only the roots and accentuating the waves or loops at the end toward the tips so that you have hair of an enviable romantic appearance.


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There meizitang is a particular type of mole that lida is usually present at birth, even though 2 day diet it might develop later on due to exposure to the sun. Theseherbal slimming kinds of skin moles normally do not grow or change with time. The second form of mole will change.It may grow and even change colors. This is actually the kind of skin mole that menova is harmful.

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