Saturday, March 8, 2008


Today is the day that is set aside for those of us who are proud to be alive and to be WOMEN!

To the women of the world, I want to wish you all the best in your endeavour. Aim for that which will fulfill your minds, your hearts and your being. Remember that while it is good to have others around who can guide you, you must be able to think for yourself and to make the final decision that will impact your life.

We have got to stop the belief that we cannot control our lives. We have got to stop the belief that we are secondary. We have got to want to succeed in life. Only when we accept that we are the masters of our lives and that which is around us, will we have complete peace of mind, heart and being. Think before you do or say. Never rush into answering questions that are of great importance in the work place or in the home. Quick decisions can lead to problems in your personal and business lives.
Live each day as if it was your last. Love each day as if you were seeking fulfillment because tomorrow it could be too late.

Remember that you are the captain of your vessel. Sail your ship into safe habours with love, understanding, peace, and goodwill.

Love Always, Brenda A. Ysaguirre

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